Associated Artists of Winston-Salem proudly partnered with the Center for Homeownership to host "Art of Homeownership" - a collaborative project intended to highlight homeownership in our community as seen through the eyes of area artists.
For this project, area artists were asked to decorate model homes that would ultimately be auctioned on September 24, 2010. This event took place at the Center for Homeownership in downtown Winston-Salem.
Many artists attended the event (group of artists shown above). Prizes were awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and people's choice.
The second place award went to the house shown above, a mosaic "star" tile house by AAWS member and artist Dennis Millsaps.
Above is a closeup view of the model house decorated by AAWS artist & member, Chad Beroth, and his two daughters. This was one of several houses that were collaborative efforts.
Above is the "Environmentology" house by AAWS artist and member Jean Yates. Any artist in the community was eligible to participate - the houses were first come, first served!
On the tables where each house were displayed were small boxes to cast votes for "People's Choice"
Executive director for Center for Homeownership, Phyllis Caldwell, takes some time to thank sponsors and participants. This event was presented by Leonard Ryden Burr, along with additional support from Goler Community Development Corporation, & SG Atkins Community Development Corporation.
Above is a detailed shot of the third place house - a colorful rendition of a field of sunflowers by area artist Alice Sanders.
Above is a detailed photo of the house decorated by artist Scott Davis, creator of Right Brain Ruminations and Sherlock Unleashed.
Butterflies were a popular theme and appeared on several of the houses - thanks to all who participated!To see the full album of photos, please click here to visit our Facebook album. Enjoy!